Apply for Detention Officer

Please type in all required information. Resumes may be submitted as supplemental documents; please do not write "see resume" on this form. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Title:Detention Officer
Department:Detention Services
Contact Information
* Last Name:
* First Name:
* Address 1:
Address 2:
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
* Phone:
* Email:
Job Posting Response Form
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Please list your education history:
* Please list your work experience:
* Please list your special skills, experiences or capabilities that apply to the qualifications of the position for which you are applying:
* Please provide your reason for applying for this position:
* Date of hire at Juvenile Court:
* Present job title and department:
* Time in present position:
* Extension:
* Other phone number:

Pursuant to policy 1.05.02, immediate family members may not be appointed to a position where it would create a direct or indirect supervisor/subordinate relationship, or where it would create a conflict of interest.  Please review policy 1.05.02 and then complete the following information:

* Do you have an immediate family member in the chain of command for the position for which you are applying?:
If yes, list relative’s name and position:
* Attach resume:

This form must be fully completed and received in the Human Resource Division within the posting deadline to be considered.

Please notify your supervisor of your application for this position.

* Signature (electronic):
* Date:
Detention Officer (2023)
* Are you at least 21 years of age?:
* Are you willing to work in a locked area of a building, supervising the activities of youth who have been alleged to have committed serious crimes?:
* Do you have the ability to work varied shifts, which may include first, second, or third shifts?:
* Are you willing to work double shifts (16 consecutive hours) with little to no notice when mandated to work?:

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